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Gerald Francais Young
. . Contributed By JamesMcPhersonOn 05/23/97:
I would like to contact any family or friends of Gerry. Someof you might remember me as Jim Derbyshire from Glace Bay, N.S., Can. Hopeto hear from you soon. James McPherson.


phillip bruno
. . Contributed By woodyOn 05/23/97:
phil was and still is my friend he was a l.r.p long recon patrolin nam. he would be 49/50 years old today he was born in passaic n.j. hehas a brother named micheal.phill i miss you.if anyone knows him or whathas happened to him please contact me


Member of the 14th Arial Port Sqdn,Cam Rahn Bay, RVN
. . Contributed By BobCraycroftOn 05/23/97:
I would like to hear from the guys who served with me in theLine Loading section of the 14th A.P.S. from February, 1969, to February,1970. Especially would like to hear from Roy Cuffey, Joe Cannon, Ron Hamilton,and Joe Cholewa. What happened to you guys?


LT. Francis Boyer U.S.M.C.
. . Contributed By MikeCrowOn 05/23/97:
Looking for Lt. Francis Boyer, Lt. William (Bill) Vaughn andCorpman Fred Keen (or Keene). All "in country" 1970 - 1971. Delta Co. 1stBN, 5th Marines, RIN (FMF), 2nd Bn, 1st Marines H&S, Echo Co., 2ndBn, 1st Marines 3rd Mar Div. Fred Keen was atttached to Delta Co. LoganWalton needs to contact this men to help a brother marine receive the PurpleHeart he deserves. Please contact me through Mike Crow if you have anyknowledge of the where abouts of any of these men.


Robert Ballard U.S Army 9th Inf,Div Mobil Riverine Force
. . Contributed By RobertCirakOn 05/23/97:
Anyone know of Robert Ballard? I served with him in Vietnamin the 9th Infantry Division from Dec67 to Nov68. He was from Orlando Flordia.When we came back we went to Texas. I got out and he stayed in and wentto Washington State. We were in the 3 Battalion 34 Artillery. Pleaseleave me e-mail. Thank You


Family and Friends
. . Contributed By RobertCirakOn 05/23/97:
I served with Howard Vaughan panel 36w line 54 If anymember of his family or friends would like to talk please e-mail me. weserved in Vietnam together. 9th Infantry 3 battalion 34th Artillery MobilRiverine Force Thank You


PFC Ralph Wayne Brown & PFCDonald Ellis Crane - 1st Air Cav Division
. . Contributed By MikeMcMunnOn 05/23/97:
Seeking any information on PFC Ralph W. Brown and PFC DonaldE. Crane. Both served with D Company, 2/7 Cavalry, 1st Air Cav Divisionand were KIA at LZ Albany on 11/17/65. Would like to hear from anyonewho served with them Stateside or with the Cav or any family or friends.Garryowen, Mike McMunn, MACV Advisory Team 70


3/4 Cav, 25th Inf Div, 1966-1972
. . Contributed By MSG(Ret) Jack E. NobleOn 05/24/97:
Looking for any former Cav members. Would like to hear fromthose that served with me between 8-68 thru 4-70 in B Troop.


USMCRD San Diego PLT #321 1954
. . Contributed By RalphB. WagleyOn 05/24/97:
Would like to hear from anyone that was in this Platoon or knewanyone that was in it. Also H&S Co. MB Navy #128, 1954-1956.


Korean War Unknown Soldier
. . Contributed By RalphB. WagleyOn 05/24/97:
There were a few more than 840 unknowns from the Korean Warthat were brought back to the Hawaiian Islands for burial in the PunchBowl cemetery in 1956. I was one of eight Pall Bearers that representedthe USMC. I would like to hear from anyone that was part of this ceremony,USMC, USA, USAF, USN. .

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