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looking for Alan or Allen? Batts
. . Contributed By Richard E. DukeOn 06/15/97:
Served with Batts on USS Harnett County 68/69


High School Class - History of the Vietnam War
. . Contributed By Ron DychesOn 06/15/97:
I teach a social studies elective on the Vietnam War.I am looking for at least 40 Vietnam Vets who my students can communicate with as part of class projects.Anyone interested?Let me know.It would only involved you completing a survey (approximately 25 questions) once every 18 weeks.


. . Contributed By Cherie Devlin DonahoeOn 06/16/97:
I wondered if anyone had served with Tom-he was the victim of an accidental homicide, if you can believe it, in Vietnam in Jan of 1966.It would be terrific to correspond with anyone who may have known him.I am his sister and neither my mother nor myself have ever discussed him with anyone who whould have known him then. Thanks


Marty Selkregg - USMC - Quang Tri - 1967
. . Contributed By Kevin SelkreggOn 06/17/97:
Looking for friends of my brother, Martin.Any who served with him.


Deployment From Cherry Point, NC
. . Contributed By James(Jim) IvesOn 06/18/97:
Looking for my fellow Marines that deployed to WestPac with VMFA 323 in 1965. Those who remember (Rich Royer Boy Lt.) Killed in May 66.


SGT G.A. Persinger, USMC,and Jerry Plotkin
. . Contributed By Sandy DenneyOn 06/19/97:
I have MIA bracelets for these two men, both were MIA in Tehran on 11-4-79.Does anyone know how I can find out about them?Neither is listed on the wall.Thanks!


Looking for Richard Myers
. . Contributed By Joe CruffOn 06/21/97:
Richard was in Nam in 68 . I got to know him in 69 at 2nd amtrac bn. Richard if you are out there your noncombat blank at that time is looking for you. I was in Nam in 70. I was one of the lucky ones.Richard got out but then went back in.Last I saw him he was headed for warrant officer school.


Looking for members of Plt.270 MCRDPPI 1968
. . Contributed By Joe CruffOn 06/21/97:
woulld like to hear from members of platoon. Hope we all made it back. Jimmy Grahm if your'e out there get in touch.


Oriskany Fire 10/66 Sons & Daughters of 44
. . Contributed By Mary Juntilla PasleyOn 06/21/97:
If your father was one of the 44 men killed during the fire aboard the USS Oriskany in October of 1966, please contact me. My father was the 44th man that died.His name is Cdr. Harry William (Bill) Juntilla. Or if you served on board the carrier during the fire and knew my Dad or have information, please contact me, too.Thanks!


Neil or Neal Conway
. . Contributed By WILLIAM BROWNOn 06/22/97:
Looking for information about him,no matter how insignificant!He was over there sometime betweenmid (66) to maybe(68),(69).I"m not real sure.He was from Ohio.He also knew my mother,Jeanine Delores Hinton,from Euless,Texas.(DALLAS/FORTWORTH)THANK YOU!

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