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199th Light Infantry Brigade search
. . Contributed By WaltYoungOn 05/25/97:
I am attempting to locate Robt. W. Smith from C-4-12 ('66'67).I borrowed photos from "Smitty" after our return and lost track of himbefore I could return them. He was a student at U of Mich. approx. 1970when I last spoke to him.


location of long ago friends
. . Contributed By MikeWarnerOn 05/25/97:
I am looking to make contact with two good friends John Havertywho was from Mn. and Mike Lyman who was from Chicago, Ill ( Mike's dadwas a cop) Mike and I were sent to Germany after Viet Nam and John wroteto me while I was stationed there. We were stationed together in the DaNangSignal Battalon. I would like to make contact with these two good friendseven if by letter or phone. If anyone knows these guys I would appreciatethe chance to make contact. Thanks


My Dear Friend, my heart ache tolearn of his name on the wall
. . Contributed By JohnL. RhinehartOn 05/25/97:
anyone that can give me any information for a long departedfriend PFC Keener, Robert Steven dob Oct 27, 1945 Single Army Pfc 53443041Tour October 20"66 DoC Jan 13,'97 age 21 South VietNam Province Binh DuougWall: Panel 14E Row 023.This man was & is the finest human beingI ever knew.My heart breaks to this day at the thought of his death.Somany things I left un-said.My life is still sadden to the core wheneverI think of his pain before his death. Please if anyone has any info onthis wounderfull man please e-mail me.Steven forgive me!.


. . Contributed By BirdieLeggeOn 05/25/97:
I am looking to find anyone who might have known my brother(Joe R. Garcia). He was in the Army. He was killed on June 4, 1969, inBinh Dinh, So. Vietnam. I would like to here from you. Please e-mail me.Thanks


OC7-67 Ft. Benning, GA
. . Contributed By JohnH. McQuayOn 05/26/97:
Would like to contact anyone of my fellow OC Candidates whograduated with me on January 27,1967 at Benning's School for boys (MOSES'Maurauders). It's been 30 years


Pleiku Vets
. . Contributed By Rev.Charles E. LongOn 05/26/97:
Would like to hear from folks who knew the Missionaries at Pleiku1958-1968. We were serving the Jarai people (Montagnard) there.


Memorial list from 2nd Squadron,17th Cavalry, 101st ABN DIV
. . Contributed By CW4George C. Arzente IIIOn 05/26/97:
I have been working on a list of soldiers killed in action whileserving with the 2d Squadron, 17th Cavalry, 101st ABN DIV (Ambl) off andon for the past 5 years. If you have any lists, or information concerningthese brave troopers, please contact me. Thanks.


82nd Med Det (HA) DUST OFF
. . Contributed By JackWayne BLUNDELLOn 05/26/97:
Looking for enyone who served in DUST OFF during 1964-65 inSoc Trang.


Looking for comrad/s who servedwith me
. . Contributed By RonJacobsonOn 05/27/97:
I was a doorgunner on an H model gunship serving with C Co.227th AHB 1st Air Cav Div. for all of 1968, also the last half of '69.Am especially looking for the other gunner on my slick, a Rafleowski(Ski).Would very much like to hear from anyone who served with me during thistime. Was wounded and sent home Dec. of 69.


3rd Platoon, Mike Co.,3/27, 1st.MARDIV
. . Contributed By RichardJ. SchmidtOn 05/27/97:
I was known as Doc Schmidt, given name Richard, called Dickby most. To those I saved, "You're welcome." To the survivors of thoseI couldn't, "I'm sorry." Remember me? Write me.

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